Am I in the place of God?

Genesis 50:15-21
Last week we considered the sovereignty of God in Joseph’s suffering. We discussed the tension between Joseph’s brothers evil plots and God’s providence.
Have you ever been badly hurt by people you loved? Have you had an experience where someone who maltreated you or bullied you sometimes in the past or in another city turned up later in life to meet you in a position of power and authority. Do you remember how vulnerable and subdued they felt in your presence? Think about how sweet it felt for you to introduce yourself to that person and remind him of the past.

Today we will consider what Joseph the victim in the story had to do when given the opportunity to revenge. We will consider Joseph’s path to forgiveness. We will discover that although Joseph has forgiven his brothers but they assume that he would change after their father’s death. Through this we hope to learn some lessons about when we have suffered hurts and subsequently got the opportunity to pay back.
The Path to forgiveness
Genesis 40:1-4
Genesis 41:14-32, 39-46
Genesis 42:5-7
Genesis 45:1-8 – Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers and comforts them. He gives a perspective of being God’s messenger rather than a victim of their evil plot. He is a life preserver
Genesis 50:19-21
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
They presumed to act under the mediation of their deceased father. Before Jesus died he taught the disciples to pray to the father forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. Matthew 6:12

The options available to Joseph
1.Joseph could have been resentful, angry and bitter but he continued to work hard, honoring God through integrity, loving others and showing compassion.
2.Joseph was clearly a victim and could have demonstrated self righteousness. He could have treated as morally inferior and evil but he wept over them, tested them treated them with respect.
3.Joseph could have become the rod of punishment and justice of God but he chose to leave vengeance to the Lord. Were the brothers ever punished for the offense? No where was it recorded.

Forgiveness is a choice
The big picture was contained in Joseph’s response to his brothers in Genesis 50:20
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
The big picture is God’s mastery of situation. The evil actions and wickedness of people cannot truncate the divine will rather God can use them for His own good. In the case of Joseph, his brother aligned with the devil to cause harm to Joseph and his dream but God used the vehicle to take Joseph to the place of destiny.

When you catch a revelation of your circumstances the difficulties of providence is thereby mitigated

When you’re wronged and you have opportunity for pay back
1.Weep over the injustice, doubts etc Genesis 50:17b

2.Recognize that even when providence place you in a position to be God’s rod of justice do not presume to act in that capacity. Deuteronomy 32:35 tells us “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” Genesis 50:19. Proverbs 24:17 cautions “Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don’t be happy when they stumble”

3.Repay good for evil. Chose to speak kindly, comfort and encourage even when it is difficult. Genesis 50:19,21
4.Do not withhold any good from your offenders
5.See the big picture and acknowledge it with humility Genesis 50:20. Romans 8:28