Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

Matthew 6:9-10IntroductionKnowing what the will of God is and accomplishing them has been one of the greatest struggles of Christian believers in particular and people generally. Questions like what is…

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Let My People Go

Let My People Go

The story of the exodus was a battle of the supernatural versus supernatural rather than Moses versus Pharaoh. The deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt and the establishment of…

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The Narrow Gateway

The Narrow Gateway

Scriptures: Jeremiah 6:16Matthew 7:13-14Luke 13:22-30Jesus is the only door and the only gate through which anyone can experience salvation and enjoy eternal life. John 14:6 Two ways comparedThe Broadway-Gate is…

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Bear One another’s Burden

Bear One another’s Burden

Bear One another’s BurdenScripture: Galatians 6:1-104 thoughts from this passage:Paul writes to the church concerning what Spirit-empowered life looks like in the community of Christ followers. 1.Bearing one another’s burden…

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The Glory of the Latter House

The Glory of the Latter House

The Glory of the Latter House Scripture: Haggai 1:12-2:9 God encourages the discouraged- perseverance The architectural structure of Zerubabbel’s temple was less glamorous than Solomon’s temple. So why would its…

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