Bear One another’s Burden

Bear One another’s Burden

Bear One another’s Burden
Scripture: Galatians 6:1-10
4 thoughts from this passage:
Paul writes to the church concerning what Spirit-empowered life looks like in the community of Christ followers.

1.Bearing one another’s burden in humility vs1-5. Freedom of the Spirit prevents spiritual people from living in arrogance
2.Financially supporting one’s spiritual teacher v 6
3.Sowing and reaping vs7-8
4.Doing good vs 9-10

A closer look will reveal two key themes: personal responsibility and shared accountability
One of the characteristic consequence of our fallen human condition is the prevalence of difficulties, pains and traumatic experiences in life. There is the culture of selfishness and self-centered behavior of the people. Since we do not exist in isolation but in community and relationships we are called upon to bear one another’s burden. Hebrew word for burden I’d barons translated difficulty or personal trauma. The need to bear one another’s burden is due to the fact that burdens of life can be overwhelming and requires support.

The Burden that Christians or other people struggle with
Sin is dangerous and impacts the sinners and those connect with them. The damaging effects of sin are several: Sin
-can cause conflict in marriage
-dysfunctions in the family
-divisions, disunity, pettiness and church splits
-corruption of the political process
-corporate greed
-perversion in lifestyles
-injustice, social unrest and violence.
-entertainment industry spewing out immoral and violent contents that corrupt our children
-schools and educational institutions ignore contents and become a breeding ground for social justice agitation reengineering
Psalm 38:4-10
The burden of sin with its guilt and shame is too overwhelming to bear unless confession is made and forgiveness received. However, the challenge is that in most cases the burden of sin does not seem obvious to the sinner or those around him. This is so because of the decay of conscience and the deceitful nature of sin. The writer of Hebrews tells us “See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Hebrews 3:12-13

If we allow sin, or hide it or justify or make excuses for it we cannot please God and we may be subject to His judgment. Paul tells us “But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.” Romans 2:5 NIV

Galatians 6:1
-Restore those overcome by sin
-use gentleness and humility
-Be watchful to avoid similar pitfalls

2.Sickness, pain and suffering
3.Losses: jobs, loved ones through death, status, place of origin and property
4.Spiritual distress- feeling of abandonment by God and loved ones, reconciling the goodness of God with the presence of evil in our world.

Our Responsibilities to Bear
Each individual is to carry his load. Galatians 6:5. This creates responsible boundaries
We come alongside to support a co-traveler in distress. This invites us to selfless giving and support
-One Anotherness
-Who is my neighbor
-support people to press on rather than giving up

1.Gently restore a person caught in sin. Galatians 6:1
2.Preaching the gospel or good news of Jesus Christ to people. The bad news is that we are dead in sin. Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8. The gospel give hope. We are called to be Christ witnesses to communicate his saving grace. Romans 10:14 tells us the urgency of the gospel.

  1. Support the broken to experience love, healing, hope and deliverance. Our duty is to first be aware of our individual presuppositions and help people to activate their own sources of strength in Christ and his gospel.

3.In this process we walk alongside people as co travelers “to explore how their life situations have been impacted by illness, pain and suffering.
We provide supportive presence through visitations, prayers for people in their experiences of pain, suffering, or other problems or needs;
Gentle touch on the shoulders to assure them that they are not alone but are connected with others in the family of God.
We also provide listening presence to allow people verbally express emotions, anxieties, fear, anger, loneliness, depression, or sorrow, which may be hindering them from experiencing wholeness.

4.While providing physical, psychological emotional and spiritual support we have a duty to first be aware of our individual presuppositions and help people to activate their own sources of strength in Christ and his gospel. that we cannot solve all their problems but we know the One who can and we can point to the them the One who walked on water and raised the dead, opened blind eyes and caused the lame to walk. He is Jesus, the only Savior of the world.

Fulfilling the Law of Christ
The words of Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:2, reads; “carry each other’s burdens and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” The law of Christ is a reference to what Jesus stated to be the greatest commandment which is to love God wholeheartedly by following the teachings of Christ and to love one another (Mark 12:28-31). We demonstrate our love towards people by helping the sinning brother get disentangled from the web of sin.
We also support through compassion and different acts of kindness. We understand that the church needs to reengage with our communities through need-based ministries like free food distribution, clothes drive and giveaways, community collaboration during periods of crisis or pandemic as we have now. We believe the process will open up opportunity for dialogue about godly values, eternal perspectives, listen to people and help our neighbors connect with God. Through this process the church can make a difference and have a strong voice in the society and culture.

Prayer Points
1.Pray for those who are overwhelmed with the burden of sin that they will find forgiveness and lifting of their burdens in Christ Jesus
2.Pray for those who are caught in difficulties and personal traumatic circumstances to find deliverance, restoration, redemption, healing and hope.
3.Pray that through shared accountability those who are strong will offer encouragement to those who are suffering.
4.Lord teach us to love and demonstrate compassion and care with humility

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